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Wabash County Museum
320 N. Market Street
P. O. Box 512
Mt. Carmel, IL

A Victorian Household

Maggie Youngren passed away in 2002 and her furniture went into a trust. When the trust ended in 2020, several pieces of furniture became the property of the Wabash County Museum, along with her quilt collection. Many years earlier, she had given a collection of clothing to the museum. Using a carpet purchased for the Burkett House parlor, this small room was constructed to display a group of pieces on a rotating basis. Shown above from left to right are, the Victorian wash stand belonging to the Stansfield family, purchased around 1890 to 1900, a Victorian dresser and mirror from the Stansfield family (also in the Eastlake style), a wicker and spindle back oak chair from the Payne family of Allendale, a blanket chest which came through the Launer family to Maggie which was built around 1830-1840 and the small walnut table which was built by Scoby Stewart. Scoby came to Mt. Carmel very early and has many descendants. He built this table himself from native wood. The quilts come from Maggie's quilt collection. The bowl on the washstand was purchased at a Mt. Carmel auction and the pitcher is on loan from the Litherland family. The double globe lantern belonged to Miss Mary Elizabeth Storckman.
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